Welcome to the university life... |
and tonight here iam X3
and hi there XDD so sorry for really inactive on my own blogger
in so busy with my rl since i can go to college X3
dan yah meskipun cuma lulus dijalur D3 nya sih...
kata kebanyakan orang mending ambil S1 daripada D3
pertanyaan nya...
karena S1 masa nya cuma 5 tahun
sedangkan D3 hanya 3 tahun kalo mau lanjut S1 kan jadi 8 tahun...
ternyata yang ngambil D3 kalo mau lanjut S1 ngga harus ngulang dari semester 1 lagi
bisa aja masa belajar di S1 nya yang D3 itu cuma 1,5 tahun aja paling lama, dan 1 tahun paling cepet...
and hi there XDD so sorry for really inactive on my own blogger
in so busy with my rl since i can go to college X3
dan yah meskipun cuma lulus dijalur D3 nya sih...
kata kebanyakan orang mending ambil S1 daripada D3
pertanyaan nya...
karena S1 masa nya cuma 5 tahun
sedangkan D3 hanya 3 tahun kalo mau lanjut S1 kan jadi 8 tahun...
ternyata yang ngambil D3 kalo mau lanjut S1 ngga harus ngulang dari semester 1 lagi
bisa aja masa belajar di S1 nya yang D3 itu cuma 1,5 tahun aja paling lama, dan 1 tahun paling cepet...
and yeah its hard for me
and that's why im really inactive because of my colleagues life
so sorry TAT
and I also have to pursue scholarship
because my tuition was so high up to Rp.6.000.000/semester
satu semester masa nya 6 bulan
silahkan dihitung sendiri biaya nya berapa... .-.
kasian kan orang tua shi TAT
my friend just half of me that's why i had to get a scholarship
wish me luck okay X3
and I also have to pursue scholarship
because my tuition was so high up to Rp.6.000.000/semester
satu semester masa nya 6 bulan
silahkan dihitung sendiri biaya nya berapa... .-.
kasian kan orang tua shi TAT
my friend just half of me that's why i had to get a scholarship
wish me luck okay X3
ganbattee!! XDD |
Because I... more than anyone else... I love you...-- Samekichi |
yo minna~
im here for bring a new game :3
i have ended this one, it's an rpg one :o
if you dont like it just go away from here XDD
the story was about the Daughter of The Great Sorcerer named Wadanohara
let us just call Wadda for short
its about Wadda's adventure, i mean yeah...
Wadda and his familiars...
the story was begin with her and his familiars
oohh and the Deep Sea Town too :3
dan tentang seorang teman yang tidak bisa Wadda lupakan...
and here was some CG's :3
curious huh? XDD
okay its a free game :3
so i will gave all of you the Download link :3
thanks to vgperson for translate it into English language :D
Shiro Usagi
An Anime Lovers
26 y.o || OSU! CTB Player || RPG-ing || Anime-ing || Otaku-ing || Hikkiko-ing ||More?
Status : Hiatus
nb : all image in this blog was credited to the respective owner
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