
Welcome to the university life...

and tonight here iam X3

and hi there XDD so sorry for really inactive on my own blogger

in so busy with my rl since i can go to college X3

dan yah meskipun cuma lulus dijalur D3 nya sih...

kata kebanyakan orang mending ambil S1 daripada D3

pertanyaan nya...


karena S1 masa nya cuma 5 tahun

sedangkan D3 hanya 3 tahun kalo mau lanjut S1 kan jadi 8 tahun...

ternyata yang ngambil D3 kalo mau lanjut S1 ngga harus ngulang dari semester 1 lagi

bisa aja masa belajar di S1 nya yang D3 itu cuma 1,5 tahun aja paling lama, dan 1 tahun paling cepet...

and yeah its hard for me

and that's why im really inactive because of my colleagues life

so sorry TAT

and  I also have to pursue scholarship

because my tuition was so high up to Rp.6.000.000/semester

satu semester masa nya 6 bulan

silahkan dihitung sendiri biaya nya berapa... .-.

kasian kan orang tua shi TAT

my friend just half of me that's why i had to get a scholarship

wish me luck okay X3

ganbattee!! XDD

Shiro Usagi


  1. Don't worry..just keep calm and pray for the best! good luck for your uni life!

    read new post here:

  2. don't worry :D
    keep it up XDD

    owh.. if you learn the same thing in S1, you can just skip that subject right? doesn't it?
    @___@ sorry quite blur ahaha.. XD


olla :)
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