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another liebster award XDD |
yo~ this was my third Liebster Award XDD
especially for salsa XDD
sorry for took too long to answer the award XDD
okay Bismillah :)
- Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog;
- Answer the 11 questions asked;
- Nominate 11 other bloggers with lots of potential
- Create 11 of your own questions set for them to answer;
- Notify your nominees.
and now lemme answer the question from Salsa
- Pernah ribut sesama blogger gak? Kenapa?
no XDD saya ga pernah ribut apalagi nyari ribut sama orang lain. Because that was sucks man really so sucks - Punya hobi buruk? Ceritain dong :3
hobi buruk? ga punya sih XDD lagipula kalo buruk-buruk itu menurut orang kan? bisa aja menurut sendiri itu ga terlalu buruk :3 - Sekarang kamu kelas berapa?
udah tamat XDDD
sekarang lagi ngejalanin proses dan hari-hari sebagai mahasiswi :3 - Lagi sering visit blog siapa nih?
my twinnie :3 - Kamu itu lebih dekat sama Ibu atau sama Ayah?
ibu doong XDD soalnya kan ibu itu yang ngelahirin kita :3 - Pribadi kamu itu gimana sih?
a really lazy girl yeah that's me - Kalau disuruh milih, kamu lebih milih teman atau uang? Kenapa?
tergantung mah kalo itu...
saya ga milih keduanya...
soalnya kan ada saat di mana seorang temen itu mengkhianati kita :o
saya udah ngalamin loh :') - Menurut pendapat kamu, kamu itu blogger level berapasih?
level biasa aja :3 - Sebutin temen baik kamu di blogger ya!
Misaki-chaaaan~ :3 Ray-saan~ Myst-chaaan~ :3
and all of my visitor :D arigatou gozaimaaasu TAT - Ceritain dong peristiwa yang paling menakutkan buat kamu!
menakutkan? saat Pewds memainkan game horror nya dan dia berteriak karna ketakutan dan itu juga yang akan saya lakukan XDD - Ceritain ulang tahun kamu yang paling mengesankan dong!
my sweet seventeen :3
that was when my friend memberikan sebuah gambar yang sangat bagus X3
sorry i cant post the pict here :p
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Ciel with Cigarette XDDD |
and now from Lisa-chan :3
- What is your favorite subject at school and why?
English and i really love it X3 - If you don't like people, so what are you doing to treat them?
just ignoring whatevah they said - What is your favorite music and musician?
anime of course :D musician? i dunno Xo - Do you know Sheila on 7 from Indonesian? Have you ever listened their songs?
of course!!! :D pernah sih kadang-kadang aja tapi XDD - Show images about your favorite scene at your city!
at sabang's island :3 - What are you doing when rainfall come?
sleep on my bed XDD - Do you really believe in your dream? What's the reason that you believe it?
no im not really sure about it :o but i will think positive that i can reach my dream :) - Do you like reading a novel? Do you know Sherlock Holmes? What do you think about him?
im not really like novel XDD but i love comic X3 i know Sherlock Holmes that was Shinichi's favorite character X3 he was so AWESOMEE!!! <3 - Do you have bestfriend, sister or brother? Send pic with them!
my mom, my broth and my young sis :3 - In a week, what times you send a post?
tergantung XDD kadang satu post kadang 2 postingan XDD - Now, would you like to make a friend-relationship with me? :)
of course :D
and for a new nomination i dunno XDD
so you can take this award :3 by the same question XDD
yeahhh XDD visit ma blog :D ngehehe XDD
ReplyDeletedo itashimashite~ :D
wow.. Sabang island looks so beautiful :D
Shiro chan.. yo're so funny lol XDD Sherlock holmes from conan? hehehe :D aww so cute XD
you know, if we tired or sometime wait until fall asleep, if we imagine what we want, it will appear in our dreams :D I always did that XDD hehehe
wow.. your mom looks so young :D what is that thing that your brother wear? on his head? is it the same as tarbus? :D I've one at home XDD hehe