Blogskins Change

Azunyaaan~! :3

yo minna~

sorry for not updated lately

i had a problem with the header skins XDD

maybe i will use blogskins for a while

because i lost all of my widget on the other template

yeah i know because i didnt backup the Tata Letak section

but maybe i will fix that one as soon as possible

sorry for the inconvenience

ohh Ramadhan will be over soon and Aidil Fitri will be coming

so i just want to say...

Happy Aidil Fitri
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

because i know im just a human who made so many mistakes

Forgive me Minna

and maybe i will not updated my blog

because i have to go mudik to my hometown


See ya Soon minna~ :3

nb : i have to fix the widget, sorry for da error minna~
ohh and for da award i will do it as soon as possible :3

Shiro Usagi


  1. Woo... Sugaoii.. awesome meh!
    Salam Aidilfitri :)

  2. simple but nice. rajin tukar skins. selamat hari raya shi! ^^

  3. osu! etto... saya bingung mau komentar apa, :v tapi pertama - tama salam kenal :3

    nice blog, udah gitu aja ! hahahaha

    saya akan sering sering melihat updatean blog ini untuk kedepannya :3

    tapi, untuk masukan, template/skin blognya diganti yg ada form komentarnya aja :3 yg lebih mudah gitu

    dan jangan lupa kunjungi juga blog saya yg acak acakan ya ! :3

    yoroshiku neeeee

    1. wahahaha iya :3
      thanks saran nya :3

      btw blog nya bagus :3

  4. Selamat hari raya shi :) maaf zahir & batin :D


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