UM-PTAIN Test Begin Part #1

Im so stressed... really depressed so much..~

hi hi minna~

on this aftenoon i just want to tell you about how was my test begin

the question was so hard, really hard

i dunno how to answer it :ftw

hope i can pass the test :ftw

oh and again i met someone there, someone maybe he was my childhood friend at Primary School maybe between 2001-2002 :think

it so long right? i never met him again since Tsunami at my place on 2004 :bp

he had a sister but his sister was maybe a lil bit BAKA

and make her to be class repetition

and since then his brotherstill call her as sister :bp

dont ask me why :bp

oh and i met my old classroom friend when we stay at the same dorm

she was a participant on the SBMPTN test too 

at today test i know something important

that was... 

this world is small dont be surprised if you meet someone in the past

and that's it

as bonuses :2cheer

a cute face of Mio Akiyama~ :bye

Shiro Usagi

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