Touhou : I Got Crazy Playing This Game!!!

Touhou Character

yo minna~
today i just want to tell about this craziest game ever


kenapa saya bilang ini game TERgila yang pernah ada?
karena ini memang bener-bener game gila!!!
i bet PEWDS cant beat it too :v
because this game was really fvckin crazy

the people who played this and can beat until the last stage
that was a master...
i dont know how that pro can beat this game
my friend said
M = me
G = my friend

M : tell me how to beat that Touhou game?
G : u play it too?
M : yes iam, i play TH7
G : that was a good start for ya
M : tell me how to beat that game?
G : just do more practice, in means that was practice more harder~
M : *stay silent*

okay so we must practice hard to beat that very really hard game
the key is just PRACTICE with practice you will know your Game Skill

Shiro Usagi



  1. Hai.. Hai.. Can u give me more explanation about that Touhou thingy, please. So curious..


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