before start the segmen i will say thanks for summon who had tagged me to do this
Izdihar thanks dear :*
let's start it...
let's start it...
Syarat :
- Pasang judul segmen dgn ini => "Syifa Khansa's 11th Birthday Segmen!!" ((Done))
- Follow blog ini~! ((aww do you have a Google Friend Connect? i really cant follow without it))
- Follow twitterku => & Tulis ID Twittermu ((Done this mine :
- Pasang banner di atas dgn link => (( Donee~))
- Tulis e-mail klian (bwt pengiriman hadiah) ((G-mail for my privacy i make it as link~))
- Tag 3 org temanmu ((sorry to busy to do that))
- Tulis link postingan segmenmu di komentar, bukan di CBox ((okay i will))
Question :
- Karna hari ini aq ulang thn ke- 11, apa doa yg mau kmu ucapin bwt aq?
- Apa hadiah yg bs km ksh ke aq walaupun lewat internet?
- Ada gk sahabat / teman / keluarga kmu yg ulang tahun hari ini?
- Tahun kmaren, ultah kmu dirayain gk sama ortu/kerabat?
- Pantesnya ultah aku yg ke- 11 ini dirayain gk? Kalo iya cocoknya di mana?
My Answer :
nb : sorry i use english because i love it :p
- Otanjoubi Omedetou, Happy Birthday to you~ wish you all the best dear~
- Pray to God for you health
- Yes my beloved friend Lusiana Dewi~ ((oh rite happy birthday for her too
- No, im too old to do that XD
- Aww its up to you dear~ if you want to celebrate it just go out with your family,it will be more fun rite? :)
Gifts :
- 10 PNG my favorite ((ill send it on email if i be the winner XDD))
- Make me a banner :3
- Follow my blog~
God make me win this segmen
God make me win this segmen
gudluck and happy blogging
ReplyDeletearigachuu :3