Pemilu 2014 |
hi hi~
today i just want to report a Presidential Election Day in Indonesia
that was an Indonesian System to choose a new president after 5 years
there are 2 Candidate at this year
today i just want to report a Presidential Election Day in Indonesia
that was an Indonesian System to choose a new president after 5 years
there are 2 Candidate at this year
They're was Prabowo Subianto - Hatta Rajasa and Joko Widodo - Jusuf Kalla
they have a potential
and so many participation for this Pesta Demokrasi on this year XDD
ah right before them the President was
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
ah right before them the President was
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
and here was my participation XDD
my hand XDD for the support of Indonesia |
i cant say who will win
whoever is that i hope they're can make indonesia's better than before
whoever is that i hope they're can make indonesia's better than before
oh rite the Pemilu will be closed at 13.00 WIB
and dont be abstension okay~
Pilihanmu akan menentukan masa depan Indonesia
why with Attack on Titan Kuro-chin? *lol* |
yo minna~
im baack with a new information~
Sword Art Online S2 has been Aired...*yay*
im baack with a new information~
Sword Art Online S2 has been Aired...*yay*
unless it just still 1 episode XDD
dont worry i wont watch it
since yeah i just already know what's the meaning of 16.5
but maybe i will watch it when that anime is booming~
oh and thanks for all people who already follow my blog until it reaches 600 followers
dont worry i wont watch it
since yeah i just already know what's the meaning of 16.5
but maybe i will watch it when that anime is booming~
oh and thanks for all people who already follow my blog until it reaches 600 followers
do you want to read some of Horror Fanfiction?
i have it, but im not the original author
maybe i just want to share it if there's someone who want me to share it
it's a good horror one~
oh and sorry maybe some of the pic was not available
because imgur was on Error since 2 days ago
i have to backup all of my picture
but i lost my banner since i reinstalling my notebook because of Win8 accident XDD
i have it, but im not the original author
maybe i just want to share it if there's someone who want me to share it
it's a good horror one~
oh and sorry maybe some of the pic was not available
because imgur was on Error since 2 days ago
i have to backup all of my picture
but i lost my banner since i reinstalling my notebook because of Win8 accident XDD
he was a character from Kiseki No Sedai
Wish You All The Best Shin-Chaan~
Happy Fasting too for All Muslims in The World *late greeting* XDD
and see ya on the next post~
tonight i will give you all an anime review
maybe some of you knew this one
so check it out~
Anime ini bercerita mengenai kehidupan seorang cowok SMA yang selalu energy saving. Dia ga mau ngerjain sesuatu yang membuatnya capek, bisa dibilang agak males ngeluarin energi sih
Tetapi semenjak dia masuk SMA si cowok ini mulai berubah...
Apakah yang membuatnya berubah?...
dan berikut para karakter utama nya...
1. Eru, Chitanda
Chitanda Eru (千反田 える) |
Name: Chitanda Eru (千反田 える)
Age: 16
Height: 160cm (5'3")
Weight: 54kg
Hair color: black
Eye color: purple
Personality: calm, happy, excited when new or interesting things happen
soalnya dia ga akan berenti buat minta di selidikin
2. Oreki, Houtarou
Houtarou Oreki (折木 奉太郎) |
Name: Houtarou Oreki (折木 奉太郎)
Age: 15-16
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Relatives: Oreki, Tomoe (sister)
Personality: quiet, laid-back, lazy
Motto: "If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
anaknya yah... males nya pake banget
tetapi jangan meragukan kepandaiannya kalo dia lagi muud mikir satu kasus pasti bakal terselesaikan dengan cepet
tapi yah itu, energy saving nya dia nyebelin banget
meski pada akhirnya dihancurin ama Chitanda....
anaknya yah... males nya pake banget
tetapi jangan meragukan kepandaiannya kalo dia lagi muud mikir satu kasus pasti bakal terselesaikan dengan cepet
tapi yah itu, energy saving nya dia nyebelin banget
meski pada akhirnya dihancurin ama Chitanda....
3. Fukube, Satoshi
Satoshi Fukube (福部 里志) |
Short Bio :Name: Satoshi Fukube (福部 里志)
Age: 15-16
Age: 15-16
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Motto: "A database can't draw conclusions."
Dia ini temen nya Houtarou pas di SMP, sampe di SMA juga satu sekolah, meski ga satu kelas sih
Satoshi meng-klaim diri nya ini sebagai database, makanya segala informasi yang dibutuhin Houtarou, Satoshi tau
Satoshi meng-klaim diri nya ini sebagai database, makanya segala informasi yang dibutuhin Houtarou, Satoshi tau
pas SMP Houtarou menganggap Satoshi ini anak yang suka terobsesi pada sesuatu, tetapi semenjak SMA dia mulai berubah...
4. Ibara, Mayaka
Mayaka Ibara (伊原 摩耶花) |
Name: Mayaka Ibara (伊原 摩耶花)
Age: around 16 (maybe)
Height: 148 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Hair color: brown
Eye color: pink
Dia temen SMP nya Houtarou sama Satoshi, pas SMA beda kelas
dan sebenernya Ibara ini udah lama banget suka sama Satoshi dari SMP
cuman yah tau sendiri kan Ibara di tolak karna Satoshi takut kalo nanti dia akan jadi terobsesi sama Ibara...
pas SMA jadi temen baiknya Chitanda kok~
Dia temen SMP nya Houtarou sama Satoshi, pas SMA beda kelas
dan sebenernya Ibara ini udah lama banget suka sama Satoshi dari SMP
cuman yah tau sendiri kan Ibara di tolak karna Satoshi takut kalo nanti dia akan jadi terobsesi sama Ibara...
pas SMA jadi temen baiknya Chitanda kok~
I don’t do anything I don’t have to. What I have to do, I do quickly. -- Houtarou Oreki
ada yang minat?
kalo ada yang minat shi bakalan kasi link donlot nya~
silahkan di icip~
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Shiro Usagi
An Anime Lovers
26 y.o || OSU! CTB Player || RPG-ing || Anime-ing || Otaku-ing || Hikkiko-ing ||More?
Status : Hiatus
nb : all image in this blog was credited to the respective owner
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