segmen (again)
tell me at my cbox if i'd be the winner kay :*
let's start...
Rules :
- Follow Blog Ini (( i cant follow without GFC ))
- Follow Twitterku @AzkiyaKiyaTweet Yang gk punya gak apa apa (( donee ))
- Add Facebookku Nurhajar Izzah Azkiya Yg gk punya gk papa..(( donee~ ))
- Taruh Kode di HTML (( donee ))
- Tag 3 orang temenmu (( i dont have any friend (?) ))
Question :
- Wish kamu untuk Tahun baru kali ini??
answer : Lemme be graduated this year~ (( mohon doa restu nya yah semua ))
- Bulan yang paling kamu sukai (Example : Maret..)??
answer : August was my birthday~
- Tanggal yang paling kamu sukai??
answer : 15 (?)
- Rencananya, Tahun Baru ini, Kalian mau liburan kemana??
answer : i hope i can go to Jakarta
- Bagaimana pertempuran kalian dengan soal-soal yang ganas itu??
answer : Tahun ini saya ga remed MTK so thanks God
- Ceritain dong.. Asal mula blog kamu.. Aku Kepo Nih..
answer : Asal mula? bakal panjang nih keanya XDD. Singkat aja yah?
awalnya blog ini disuruh sama guru saya ( yang sebenernya juga punya blog, kalo pengen tau URL nya comment!! ). Tapi sampai sekarang juga ga di cek blog nya :v. Trus awalnya juga saya posting soal pelajaran biasa doang, bisa diliat di archive saya. Lama kelamaan setelah posting soal Tips & Trick saya jadi ketagihan ( emang apaan ketagihan XDD ). oh ya mau tau template saya yang lama? comment yah :p udah segini aja dulu kepo nya, lengkap nya tanya author nya sendiri
- Kapan sih, Blog kamu Ulang Tahun.. Kalo Hari Ini.. Happy Birthday ya...
answer : ntahlah saya lupa kapan saya bikin bog ini #keterusanindo
- Apa yang kurang dari blog aku??
answer : i never talk to you, but ur blog look so cute :3 i love pink so i love your blog :3
- Kata kamu, Aku itu copycat bukan??
answer : aww no you're not dear :)
Gifts :
- Misterious Gift 1
- Favicon (Isi 10+)
- Background (Isi 8+)
- Scalloped Edges (3+)
- Blogskin buatanku..
lemme be the winner
First thing i would say thanks to Atsuki/Yashiro or whatever his name
thanks :3
let's begin :3
Rules :
- Kamu harus follow blog ini terlebih dahulu ((done with it))
- Ber-alamat rumah di Indonesia. ((yes iam))
- Buatlah artikel dengan judul "First Giveaway by Salsa" ((donee))
- Di awal post/artikel, tambahkan kode ini di mode HTML. ((done too))
- Tag 3(tiga) orang teman blog kamu yang sedang aktif ngeblog :) ((i dont have any friend yet? ))
- Follow twitter aku di @anugerahsalsa. Tulis username twitter kamu di dalam artikel tadi. Kalau gak punya ya gak apa apa ~(˘▾˘)~ ((done
- Add facebook aku disini. ((done))
- Jawab pertanyaan yang aku berikan dengan seunik-uniknya ((lemme try it))
Question 1 :
- Upaya apa yang kira kira bisa bikin Ibu kamu bahagia? ((make her proud of me ))
- Di hari Ibu ini, kamu ngasih hadiah apa ke Ibu kamu? (( nothing #ngenes))
- Harapan kamu buat Ibu-mu apa? (( mom you're the best mom ever!!! so keep it up ))
- Pernah buat ibumu marah sampai nangis gak? Kalau pernah, ceritain dong! (( nope i dont ))
- Apasih yang bikin kamu sayaaaaang banget sama Ibumu? (( she was the best mom ever, she was my everything~ #b*b****modeon
- Ceritain dong pengalaman kamu yang paling seru bersama Ibumu? (( huh? too much Xo okay just a lil bit i think, i go with my mom to HONGKONG!!! that was an unforgettable experice EVER!!!
Question 2 :
- Menurut kamu blog aku itu gimana sih? Ceritain aja yang jujur, gapapa kok asal gak nusuk ke hati aja, hehe. (( cute not like the author #plaaak! #justkidd ))
- Apa yang merusak blog ku menurut kamu pribadi? (( nothing i think ))
- Pernah nyolong kode aku? Seriusan ini jujur aja, aku gak marah kalo kamu mau ngaku :) Justru kalo (gak mau ngaku aku marah ._. (( no, i mean hey im not a copycat, i never look at ur code, but in other just a lil bit ))
- Kamu kenal blog aku dari mana atau dari siapa? (( i dont remember it anymore ))
- Pernah gak kode kamu dicolong? Gimana perasaan kamu? (( not yet (?) ))
- Ceritain dong pengalaman kamu pertama kali ngeblog? (( this blog was my blog for school, my sensei said i had to make a blog so i make it, my first friend was sister Rabiatul from Malaysia, from her i know what is dat blogger. My Indonesian friend in blogger was Liya ))
Award :
- Kawaii background (10 Bg)
- Make me a banner
- Kawaii Scalloped Edges (10 scalloped edges)
before start i would say thanks to Pouwiva for tagged me
thanks sista :*
this was the question and my answer too :3
1. Do you have crush?
answer : Crush? no i mean Crush?! actually i have one
2. Do you love him/her ?
answer : love? i dont love him, i just likes him
3. Do you love KPOP ?
answer : a little bit i think XD
4. Which part of your body that you love ?
answer : my lips (?) i think XD
5. Are you friendly ?
answer : of course iam
6. Where would you like to travel ?
answer : Japan, The Heaven of Anime~
7. What is your favorite song ?
answer : Grenade by Bruno Mars
8. What is your favorite movie ?
answer : Anime of course :D
9. Do you love horror movie ?
answer : a little bit (( hey im a lil bit afraid of horror but i prefer horror than physcopat ))
10. What is your full name?
answer : TSNU (( my initial name, if you want to know it, check my fb on my profile about ))
Finally donne~
nb : do i have must tagged summon too? :o
i dont know how he did this
but thanks to Baka Oppai for the awesomeness AMV
no wonder if you'd be the winner~
but thanks to Baka Oppai for the awesomeness AMV
no wonder if you'd be the winner~
Anime :
- Angel Beats!
- AnoHana
- Bakemonogatari
- Byousoku 5 Centimeter
- Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!
- Clannad ~After Story~
- Fate Zero
- Free!
- Hyouka
- Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku
- Kotonoha no Niwa
- Nodame Cantabile
- Toradora!
- Usagi Drop
- Watamote
- Wolf Children Ame and Yuki
Music : Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift
Shiro Usagi
An Anime Lovers
26 y.o || OSU! CTB Player || RPG-ing || Anime-ing || Otaku-ing || Hikkiko-ing ||More?
Status : Hiatus
nb : all image in this blog was credited to the respective owner
Now Watching My AnimeList Status